Saturday, June 25, 2011

Things I've Learned In Canada

As time passes, people usually smarten up. Sometimes the clever way, sometimes the painfull way. I thought I'll write down a few things that I learned (yes mostly the hard, painfull way..) down the road. Satire and insider-jokes may be found in this post, so beware.

1. Never turn off a cars engine while driving on a Highway
2. Dishes don't do themselves, no matter how long you stare at them
3. Alarm clocks are only usefull if you actually get up when they ring
4. Make sure to walk into the right room in University if you don't want to look stupid
5. Don't ask someone from Chile wheter they're from Peru
6. Switzerland and Sweden apperantly are one and the same country
7. If you want to do your laundry, you do not have to put it in the dryer first
8. Make sure to pack the right plug in adapter if going abroad
9. Make sure to cook the right amount of food or you'll be eating the same dish for the rest of the week
10. No matter where you go, there's always going to be a Tim Hortons
11. There's Drive-Throughs for everything
12. You might have a city map, but no one is going to give you a map for Wal-Mart. You better draw your own or bring a GPS.
13. Whatever you do, take your credit card with you.
14. There is no such thing called "Dustsucker". It's called vacuum cleaner!
15. Your hangover is positively correlated to the amount of alcohol you drink
16. Many problems solve themselves if you only let them to. Be aware of those that don't
17. Reading a text is one thing, understanding it is another
18. Don't douche, take a shower instead
19. Getting wasted is no waste of time
20. Wherever you go, go with all your heart (I didn't come up with that one myself, but it's simply too true to not to be included in this post)

What did everyone else learn during their time abroad? Let us know what life taught you!